One of the most important requirements for our economic development is the ability of our Hungarian suppliers to connect to national, European, and global production and distribution systems with great efficiency. The key to this efficiency is automatic electronic document interchange (EDI), which is based on international standards. Ediport Kft as EDI provider offers these connections to our clients.
Our EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) service represents an EDI solution that does not require investment in hardware or software from our clients. We convert EDI messages that use various standards to a file format which the existing internal business management system of our client can process. We enable the use of the EDIFACT, VDA, OFTP, OFTP2, and AS2 standards. Communication is conducted safely over the Internet, and electronic connections can be set up with foreign partners as well. Our customers can manage their current and future EDI partners within a unified technical framework according to an integral price structure. The use of EDI means cost-saving, a stable position as supplier, and increased turnover.
In many cases it is not possible to conduct trade with the influential companies of the developed world without EDI. European, American, and Far-Eastern automotive plants, wholesalers, and commercial chains increasingly expect EDI-readiness from their suppliers, partners, and distributors. With EDI, orders, call-ups, invoices, and documents related to shipping, warehousing, and customs can be managed electronically and - even more importantly - automatically .
Our company offers EDI message management in various industries, including the automotive- and electronics (hi-tech) industries, commerce, and the area of logistics and shipping.
The services of Ediport Kft can be accessed through EDI implementation assisted by us, for each phase of which we provide effective support. The main areas of implementation are the following:
You can find further, detailed information about our EDI implementation service in the “EDI IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION” item of the main menu.
Our EDI invoice archiving service archives invoices in the statutory manner and offers access to these invoices in accordance with applicable regulations. Under this service, which can be accessed online, EDI invoices are archived automatically. The service is described in more detail in the “EDI INVOICE ARCHIVING” item of the main menu.
We offer effective customer support for our services, as described in the “CUSTOMER SERVICE” item of the main menu.
Under our communications, VAN, and X.400 service we build connections with other EDI networks. We also offer communication services for the direct construction of AS2, OFTP/ISDN, OFTP2, SFTP, FTPS, mail, and web communication links. The so-called VAN (Value Added Network) of almost all EDI networks in the world can be reached through us. Under this service we can also provide access to the internationally standardised business correspondence systems (X.400). You can read more about our communications services in the “EDI CONNECTIONS AND REFERENCES” menu item.
You can gain comprehensive and detailed knowledge about EDI on our website, under the “EDI KNOWLEDGE” item of the main menu.
Since most of our services are accessible through the internet, we also offer Internet services. These Internet services are presented in the “INTERNET” menu item.
Our data security products can be viewed under the “DATA SECURITY” menu item.
On our website the word “client” refers to the clients of Ediport, while “partner” to the EDI partners of our clients.
If you have question please feel free to contact us!
H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33.