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EDI connectivity

EDI connectivity

EDI connections can have a decisive impact on the competitiveness of a company on the market. Accordingly the EDI connectivity and connections that their service provider possesses and the question of whether their prices change significantly for each new connection are vital.

Our company has extensive EDI connections both nationwide and globally. We can reach any EDI player in Hungary and the world and can also integrate anyone into our EDI system. Our extensive network of connections is due to our proprietary communicational devices, which are unique on the Hungarian market. Proprietary devices allow us to manage our network without having to involve partners, which results in short response times and great flexibility and makes us independent from the pricing policies of foreign service providers.

Our EDI connections are at the same time our references. We outline these references in the ‘Direct EDI connections”, “VAN connections”, and “X.400 connections” sub-menu items.


Access of our WEBEDI Service



Our Internet Services



European EDI Network


what is edi?

EDI Tutorial



If you have question please feel free to contact us!



H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33.

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+36 1 392 2240, +36 1 392 2241
+36 1 392 2571