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EDI services

EDI Communication

The communication connection constructed by us can follow the following communication protocols:

AS2 –encryption and authentication protocol that operates over the Internet

OFTP/ISDN – special FTP protocol that operates over an ISDN line

OFTP2 –OFTP protocol with encryption and authentication that operates over the Internet

SFTP – SSH (Secure) File Transfer Protocol

FTPS – FTP-SSL Protocol

FTP – File Transfer Protocol - generally over the Internet

WEB – file transmission through an automatic WEB upload/download link.

X.400 mail – standard business correspondence protocol that uses X.435 standard envelopes

Internet mail – SMTP/POP, IMAP-based common Internet correspondence protocol

VAN – communication with the EDI network of another EDI provider

Our client can connect to our service through the communication link chosen by them, which is usually much simpler to implement that the communication link required by their partner (e.g.,.: AS2, OFTP/ISDN or OFTP2). These are provided to the partner by us.

We also offer communications service without EDI conversion, as a connection service.


Access of our WEBEDI Service



Our Internet Services



European EDI Network


what is edi?

EDI Tutorial



If you have question please feel free to contact us!



H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33.

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+36 1 392 2240, +36 1 392 2241
+36 1 392 2571